cryptocor ahoj mam stroj s 128 gb ram proto v příkazu --no temp
cd %dp0
client.exe -d d:\ -d e:\ -c 14 -p heslo -w nazev stroje --no-temp -a tvoje adresa vyplaty -4 -u 0 --no-benchmark
client -d <path> [-d <path>] [-a <address>] [other options]
Main options:
-a <address> chia address for reward, can be omitted to disable mining
-d <path> directory where plots and temporary files will be stored (required),
optionally includes size, plot count and file type limitations
-d[,<size>][,<count>N][,[~]<types>][,r] <path>
where <size> should be specified with one of the following suffixes:
B, KB, MB, GB, TB (bytes, kibibytes, mebibytes, etc)
<types> is a set of letters defining file types that are allowed
or disallowed (if ~ is used) in this directory:
t - temporary files
p - plots
[,r] - to define read-only directory for mining only
option -d can be used multiple times:
-d,t <path1> -d,4TB <path2> -d,1TB,p <path3> -d,r <path4>
-c <level> compression level (10-15) for new plots (default is 10)
-m <size> amount of RAM to use during plotting or finalization
-w <name> worker name displayed on the website
-v, -vv. -vvv enable verbose program output
-s <path> directory to store profile and settings
specify current directory "." to make client portable
you can run the client from readonly or nonpersistent file system
but profile should always be located in
a writable persistent directory
(default is $APPDATA/NoSSDChiaPool)
-g <gpu_card_index> or <gpu_card_name>
set mining GPU
-x <gpu_card_index> or <gpu_card_name>
set plotting GPU
<gpu_card_name> can be any part of a name or a serial number,
optionally includes memory size limit,
-g[,<size>] <name>
where <size> can be specified with one of the following suffixes:
KB, MB, GB, TB (kibibytes, mebibytes, etc)
option -x can only be used once, -g can be used multiple times:
-g,5G 2080 -g,8G 3070 -x 4090
disable mining, has the same effect as omitting -a option
do not make new plots
disable GPU mining
disable GPU plotting
do not stop plotter when run out of space
and continue plotting as soon as empty space freed up
Maintenance and benchmark:
test all plots for errors on startup
do not run benchmark on startup
--emulate-filter <256 or 128 or 64 or 32>
emulate smaller plot filter to test performance,
this option also change benchmark estimations
Fine performance tuning:
do not use temp files, this mode requires 104-120 GB RAM
do not scan directories for new plots after startup
--rescan-interval <seconds>
set interval between directories scanning to this value
lower mining threads priority
--p-threads <count>
number of plotting and finalization threads
--m-threads <count>
number of mining threads
--r-threads <count>
number of read threads, increase it for a high latency storage
Network protocol and updates:
-u <policy> automatic update policy:
0 - turn automatic updates off
1 - critical updates only (protocol changes, etc)
2 - security updates
3 - performance improvements
4 - any new version (default)
-4 -6 use IPv4 or IPv6 (by default both are used)
do not check system clock
Delegated plotting:
-p [password] password used for delegated plotting
if "-p" is specified without password,
it will be asked at program startup
-k <publickey> public key used for delegated plotting
new plots will be generated for this public key
embed secret keys into plots with public keys without testing
client.exe -d,1TB C:/plots -d D:/ -a xch1...ejh
client.exe -d,t C:/temp -d,t D:/plots -a xch1...ej